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how to write
a query letter
You finished your novel! Congratulations! Now onto the pesky task of getting your fiction proposal together. And that begins with writing a query letter. I know. YAY. I’m not going to lie, a lot of experienced writers hate writing query letters. But I promise there’s a craft and a pattern to writing them, and if you can break the letter down into parts, you’ll have a much easier time with your task.
You got this! I mean it.
This guide will introduce you to the little parts of the query letter and walk you through how to write each one so that you’ll feel more confident when you hit send.
Ten Crystals to Enhance Creative Flow
for writers
My friends know me as a crystal lover. I have a modest collection of crystals and gems scattered around my home. My spiritual beliefs hold that each has a unique vibration that corresponds with certain magical intentions and energy centers in the energetic body. Stones are teachers of Earth wisdom for those who can “hear” them or “feel” them. They can be used to assist with energy work. I love it when a writing friend asks me what crystals might help them focus or break through a block or find their voice. As with any magical tools, these are optional. In my experience, people who feel drawn to crystals are usually sensitive to them. If you’re interested in learning more, I created this little guide to tell you ten crystals I keep in my writing toolkit and how to use them. Crystal blessings to you.
Tarot Spreads
for writers
If you follow me on social media, you know I’m a Tarot enthusiast. I still remember my very first deck of cards - The Tarot of Love. Tarot cards are rich in symbolism and collective wisdom. They’re such a great tool for understanding yourself and your intuition, and for contemplating personal growth. I highly recommend Tarot, meditation, and journaling as a trifecta of self-healing. Tarot is also useful for when you’re sitting at the keyboard and drawing a complete blank about what’s next in your WIP. If you’re a Tarot newbie, I recommend buying yourself a traditional Rider Waite deck. You’ll want to learn the symbolism first, and then you can branch out into more creative interpretations. I put together a few spreads to help you start reading for yourself and your stories.
This smudge spray is perfect for those who would like an alternative to clearing their space with smoke.
I believe writers should treat their writing space as a sacred space. While that does mean decorating it with things that inspire your creativity, it also means committing to regular cycles of clearing energy. While some creative messes are glorious in their energetic promise and joy, others give off a stuck and stagnant vibe that we need to keep moving. Moving energy supports your own movement as a writer. We do this writing thing from the inside out and back again.
I’ve created this little guide to spell craft your own magical room spray to clear low stagnant vibes and shift the energy of your inner and outer writing space into one of joy and focus. Make some and spritz away any stale energy that brings your creative zest down.