Empowered Storytellers Change the world

I’m Celeste, a writer and transformational coach, helping writers heal from hustle culture and source their writing in their true power.

Let me guide you back to your center, back to your muse and sacred fire, so you can embody the inspiration you seek in the world.

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Deep inner work for writers

If you want to change the world WITH YOUR WRITING, You have to start BY GOING WITHIN

Don’t get this wrong. Your writing habits and skills matter. Your words matters. But nothing is more important than empowerment and alignment because they are fundamental to developing a lifestyle that supports and sustains your creative energy.

By connecting with your inner power, you also become that steady voice and sure heart that others connect to for guidance and hope. When you shine your brightest, everyone you come in contact with benefits from the light of your presence.

I see you. You have major talent, HUGE dreams, and kickass goals. Maybe you just can’t get started or commit to your writing the way you know you need to. Or maybe you need to get out ahead of whatever life issues are holding you back. Or with all the busy-ness (business) of the internet, maybe you feel disconnected from what called you to write in the first place. Somewhere along the way, your confidence and creativity have taken a back seat to whatever is happening in your life or in the world around you.

Creative blockages manifest outwardly in many ways. Burn-out. Procrastination. Being “too busy” all the time. Hiding, figuratively or quite literally. Running away or doing everything you can to avoid the pain of facing your innermost fears. Writing what you think will sell instead of what lights you up most. Or worse, not writing at all.

If this sounds familiar, maybe you’ve wished for someone to help you figure things out. Or for a cosmic sign showing you what direction to move in. Maybe that’s how you landed on this website. Maybe, just maybe, I’m your helper and this is your cosmic sign.

I’m not just a writing coach. I’m also a certified life and relationship coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, and a practitioner of magic. You might call me a modern mystic. I’m passionate about three things: writing, personal growth, and spiritual transformation. I’m also an agented writer with an MFA, so I know your struggle intimately as a creative being trying to navigate the murky depths of the writing industry while living my life to the fullest. Over the last decade, I’ve changed my life from the inside out, and you can, too.

I coach the writer as a whole BECAUSE art isn’t just something we do, it’s something we are. And WHEN YOU’RE LIVING YOUR LIFE IN COMPLETE ALIGNMENT With your ART, SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY MAGICAL HAPPENS. Doors open wide and blessings flow in.

Start your journey within by booking a free call with me.